portland state university


History of Contemporary Craft, Portland State University (Winter 2017)

Adjunct Faculty, Developed and taught Winter ARH 399 course, Spring Quarter

Course Description: This course examines the history of craft with an emphasis on contemporary craft since World War II. We will examine craft as part of a complex continuum of practice that predates the Industrial Revolution and William Morris’ Arts and Crafts Movement through more recent decades in which contemporary art has actively engaged craft materials, processes, and histories.  The course will examine how craft shifted from a practice of producing everyday objects to the Studio Craft Movement, DIY, tensions between art and craft, and craft as both a subject and a verb in more recent decades. Special emphasis will be placed on the how the history of craft since World War II altered academia and art-making in the US, and how this shift connects with global craft practices in the visual arts.


History of Modern Design, Portland State University (Spring 2017, 2014)

2017, 2014 Portland State University, Adjunct Faculty, Art and Graphic Design Department

Course Description: Survey course examining the history of graphic design from early prehistoric mark-making to the present; emphasis on modern and contemporary graphic design from 1900s to present. Writing intensive. Required for graduation.